Tuesday, June 06, 2006


It seems Persephone is going to make us standby a bit longer. On the Institute for Genomic Advancement there was a change today. The clock was not present and the word disease was underscored in light blue on the page. Clicking on the word brought up the following countdown timer (for a moment I thought it was the Hatch clock):

The clock displays Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, and Miliseconds, which is interesting. Also, this may be the first time "in-game" we know exactly when we'll get our next clue, update, hack, etc.

Clicking on the clock removes it from the screen and brings you back to the original IGA screen. It looks like we'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out what we are counting down to!

The message reads:
"Maybe it's cuz I'm on no sleep...
Having trouble breaking through...
I'm gonna need more time."

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