Monday, August 21, 2006


Fragment Code 29

Evidently, an e-mail was sent Friday to TLEC from Jeff “Doc” Jensen which stated:

"All I know is this:
Beginning at 5 PM, a new clue will be exposed to the light of day in the greater Los Angeles area. It will also be on display outside 11766 Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles on Aug. 21, from 6 AM to 9 AM."

A player from Southern California found the fragment code and glyph "ESJ4X6EBNC" on the side of a car located near the 11700 block of Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles this morning. The video fragment is the voice of the bearded man saying, "...all of the support you will need, including regular medicine and food drops will be made in perpetuity."

We assume the “exposed to the light of day” part of the clue was never found.

Also, the Lost Ninja is calling this glyph 29 but we have doubts about that. Has that car been driving around Los Angeles for weeks without anyone noticing the glyph? And why was the clue given to TLEC via e-mail weeks later and not when it was released? And, more importantly, why did Jeff Jensen enter the code on There is definitely something very fishy about this glyph and its a shame the player who tracked it down will not get credit for the find. We've given in to the 29th glyph being ESJ4X6EBNC but reserve the right to rescind.

Fragment Code 45

As reported on August 18th, the newest People Magazine (Aug. 28) carried the same Jeep ad that's been run the past few weeks but this time "TRIBALWARS" has been replaced by "theflashligh" as the code found on the curb. This code was activated today and the video fragment is of Mittlewerk saying, "… without allowing for any more suffering than is absolutely necessary." The glyph has not yet been found.

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